Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hope everyone is doing well back home! We're really starting
to miss everyone and it will be nice to be back home again when
it's time to leave. I am still loving it tho, but city life does tend to
wear on you. People in London are not the friendliest and are
almost suspicious of you if you are!

We miss Socks so much!! Marisa and I thought about him
alot when we visited "Pet World" at Harrods the other day,
it's amazing leather couches for your dog, and a cherry
sleigh bed, seriously!

Last night Marisa and I went to see Les Miserables at Queens
Theatre, it was just wonderful. The set design was amazing,
and the actors were perfect. We both really loved it! It's been
playing here for 24 years for good reason.

Last week, Terry had some time off so we took a trip up to
Scotland, we stayed in Edinbugh a few nights and visited
Edinburgh Castle and walked along the Royal Mile.
We rented a car and drove (big mistake) up to Inverness.
Really the driving wasn't so bad once we got going,
it really was just getting out of the city, oh yay, and
the flat tire 5 minutes after we left the airport.
That was fun!! They really like round-a-bouts up
there with at least 4 different choices to exit and
cars coming at you in all directions while driving a
stick and remembering to stay on the left.
There's a reason why no other country drives on
the left!!

We drove up thru the Highlands and stopped at
a few of the quaint little towns along the way.
Once we were in Inverness, we took a tour
out to Loch Ness - just had to do it for Terry and
Marisa's sake :) and also toured Urquhart Castle.
There's a few pictures up already from that trip
and I'll get some more up in the next few days.

Scotland is very beautiful and reminded me so
much of WA state. The country side looks
very similar.

Before we left for Scotland, we went to see
Kanye West in concert at Hyde Park. They
have all day concert events on the weekends
during the summer that are kind of like
Bumbershoot with 4 different venues going
at the same time, and bands playing at each
one all day. But, really we just went to see
Kanye and even tho I'm not the biggest fan,
the show was really good. He's a great preformer.
Well, it was great except for the 5 topless women
he had dancing with him. Didn't realize that
was going to be part of the show, or we wouldn't
have gone. Things are much more lax here
than they are in the States.

Marisa's friend Kate flew in today from Seattle,
she'll be staying with us for a week. It's been
so fun having her here already and it hasn't
even been 24 hours!

Much Love to you all and Happy Birthday Dad!!

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