Monday, June 29, 2009

Time to update the blog! We had a great time on
Saturday walking thru the world-famed Portabello
Rd street market. There's everything imaginable
for sale at the vendor stalls along the streets, with
an emphasis on antiques. Lots and lots of shops
as well. We found a few nice things we couldn't
live without! There were tons of old 45's and
rock band t-shirts that Marisa was interested
in and I found a beautiful Wedgewood plate.
This market is in the Notting Hill neighborhood,
made famous in the movie with Hugh Grant.
He walks thru the market in one scene, so
tons of tourists come to see it.

Sunday we went up to High Street Kensington
and did a little shopping. We visited our
first movie theatre so Marisa could see
Transformers - surprisingly it was pretty
good. I didn't see the first one, but I actually
liked this one. Then we stopped for dinner
at an amazing little French restaurant and
sat by the open front window so we could
people watch while we ate!

Love to you all!

Friday, June 26, 2009

In the last few days we've learned to use the Tube around London!
One of the team that's also staying here, took 10 of us across town
on the tube to an Indian restaurant with a french influence,
La Porte Des Indes. We all loved it and had a great time sharing
a meal together! An awesome group of people and a fun evening.

We headed out the next day to Piccadilly Circus and did a little
shopping and looking around then had lunch at a wonderful
little French pasterria. For the most part it was just another
chance to experiment with getting around by ourselves on the tube!
Last night we saw The King & I at Royal Albert Hall with
Daniel Dae Kim in the lead role. If you're a Lost fan, like I am,
you'll appreciate that! He's a great actor! His singing ability might
have been eclipsed by the two female lead roles though! It was a
great show and all the young kids that played the King's children
were just adorable!

Today we went out to Kensington Palace and took the tour
and saw the beautiful English gardens there. A lot of the Palace
is devoted to Princess Diana and her wardrobe. There's
a whole section detailing what it means to be a debutante
and what they go thru to get ready for their presentation,
pretty interesting! The tour also goes thru what used to be
the royal living spaces for King George 1 and Queen Victoria.

We were able to see the memorial fountain devoted to Diana
a few days ago on a walk thru Hyde Park. It's very beautiful
and a nice place for children to play.

On the way to KP this morning I stopped at our neighborhood
Starbucks and as we were crossing the street Bruce Willis came
walking by, heading to the same place, he was trying really hard
not to be noticed, but that face is pretty recognizable!

Much Love to you all!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday Morning - We're all suffering the effects of jet-lag to some extent, Marisa and I more so than Terry - trying to stay awake when you want to fall asleep and forcing yourself to stay up b/c you know that's better for you!

We put on some more miles yesterday, walking around the city. We started off with a wonderful breakfast at a little french restaurant and ended the day exploring the Natural History Museum.
Lots and lots of dinosaur bones, and a statue of Darwin, that Marisa refused to take a picture of!
If you're in London on limited time - cross this one off your list, you won't be missing a whole lot! There were a few other tourists wandering around like us, but for the most part it was full of bus loads of school kids in their cute little uniforms.

We had a chance to visit with a few friends after dinner and compare notes on what to do when,
and more importantly where the Whole Foods market is! There are plenty of markets close by, but you can only buy what you can carry back, and even with the three of us, that isn't a whole lot!

Our biggest challenge today will be tackling the Tube system, which we'll have a chance to do tonight on the way to meet a group for dinner. It ought to be interesting! Thankfully Marisa has an innate sense of direction and usually pays attention to the details I overlook!

Much Love!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hi from London!
Our flight over was on time and eventless, thank the Lord. We had had a lot of thunder and lightening on Sunday before we left, but it didn't effect us at all. Thanks for all your prayers!

Once we arrived, we settled into the apt and then walked a few minutes to the grocery store.
I couldn't believe all the delicious cheeses and fresh organic produce - yum! Strawberries are farm fresh and so sweet, but about $7 for what would be close to pint back home!

After fixing ourselves a little dinner, we took a long walk downtown, and stopped into Harrods, just to look around! Today we're doing some more exploring around town and through Hyde Park. The Natural History and Victoria & Albert Museums are about a 5 minute walk from the apt.

Our apt is very roomy and comfortable with a nice little park right behind it. I already love the little kitchen, it's well stocked with everything we need! It is right downtown though, so lots of city traffic and people.

Love you all!