Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hi from London!
Our flight over was on time and eventless, thank the Lord. We had had a lot of thunder and lightening on Sunday before we left, but it didn't effect us at all. Thanks for all your prayers!

Once we arrived, we settled into the apt and then walked a few minutes to the grocery store.
I couldn't believe all the delicious cheeses and fresh organic produce - yum! Strawberries are farm fresh and so sweet, but about $7 for what would be close to pint back home!

After fixing ourselves a little dinner, we took a long walk downtown, and stopped into Harrods, just to look around! Today we're doing some more exploring around town and through Hyde Park. The Natural History and Victoria & Albert Museums are about a 5 minute walk from the apt.

Our apt is very roomy and comfortable with a nice little park right behind it. I already love the little kitchen, it's well stocked with everything we need! It is right downtown though, so lots of city traffic and people.

Love you all!

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