Monday, June 29, 2009

Time to update the blog! We had a great time on
Saturday walking thru the world-famed Portabello
Rd street market. There's everything imaginable
for sale at the vendor stalls along the streets, with
an emphasis on antiques. Lots and lots of shops
as well. We found a few nice things we couldn't
live without! There were tons of old 45's and
rock band t-shirts that Marisa was interested
in and I found a beautiful Wedgewood plate.
This market is in the Notting Hill neighborhood,
made famous in the movie with Hugh Grant.
He walks thru the market in one scene, so
tons of tourists come to see it.

Sunday we went up to High Street Kensington
and did a little shopping. We visited our
first movie theatre so Marisa could see
Transformers - surprisingly it was pretty
good. I didn't see the first one, but I actually
liked this one. Then we stopped for dinner
at an amazing little French restaurant and
sat by the open front window so we could
people watch while we ate!

Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Margaret! Marilyn called my Mom (Carol Feaster) and told her that you started a blog and that you were living in England so of course we had to check it out and add you to my blog list! It looks like you guys are having an amazing time and I Love all the photos, your apartment looks wonderful! Enjoy this exciting experience and we will keep looking forward to your updates :)
