Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday Morning - We're all suffering the effects of jet-lag to some extent, Marisa and I more so than Terry - trying to stay awake when you want to fall asleep and forcing yourself to stay up b/c you know that's better for you!

We put on some more miles yesterday, walking around the city. We started off with a wonderful breakfast at a little french restaurant and ended the day exploring the Natural History Museum.
Lots and lots of dinosaur bones, and a statue of Darwin, that Marisa refused to take a picture of!
If you're in London on limited time - cross this one off your list, you won't be missing a whole lot! There were a few other tourists wandering around like us, but for the most part it was full of bus loads of school kids in their cute little uniforms.

We had a chance to visit with a few friends after dinner and compare notes on what to do when,
and more importantly where the Whole Foods market is! There are plenty of markets close by, but you can only buy what you can carry back, and even with the three of us, that isn't a whole lot!

Our biggest challenge today will be tackling the Tube system, which we'll have a chance to do tonight on the way to meet a group for dinner. It ought to be interesting! Thankfully Marisa has an innate sense of direction and usually pays attention to the details I overlook!

Much Love!

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