Friday, June 26, 2009

In the last few days we've learned to use the Tube around London!
One of the team that's also staying here, took 10 of us across town
on the tube to an Indian restaurant with a french influence,
La Porte Des Indes. We all loved it and had a great time sharing
a meal together! An awesome group of people and a fun evening.

We headed out the next day to Piccadilly Circus and did a little
shopping and looking around then had lunch at a wonderful
little French pasterria. For the most part it was just another
chance to experiment with getting around by ourselves on the tube!
Last night we saw The King & I at Royal Albert Hall with
Daniel Dae Kim in the lead role. If you're a Lost fan, like I am,
you'll appreciate that! He's a great actor! His singing ability might
have been eclipsed by the two female lead roles though! It was a
great show and all the young kids that played the King's children
were just adorable!

Today we went out to Kensington Palace and took the tour
and saw the beautiful English gardens there. A lot of the Palace
is devoted to Princess Diana and her wardrobe. There's
a whole section detailing what it means to be a debutante
and what they go thru to get ready for their presentation,
pretty interesting! The tour also goes thru what used to be
the royal living spaces for King George 1 and Queen Victoria.

We were able to see the memorial fountain devoted to Diana
a few days ago on a walk thru Hyde Park. It's very beautiful
and a nice place for children to play.

On the way to KP this morning I stopped at our neighborhood
Starbucks and as we were crossing the street Bruce Willis came
walking by, heading to the same place, he was trying really hard
not to be noticed, but that face is pretty recognizable!

Much Love to you all!

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